Cancellation & Refund Policy.


Cancellations of single-classes are accepted up to 7 business days before the day of the class.  These will be eligible for a credit or full refund.  Requests will only be honoured via email.  Please contact

Any cancellation or refund requests after this period are non-refundable and not available to have a credit issued.


Cancellations of confirmed course enrolments and single-classes are accepted up to 14 business days before the start of the course. An administration fee of $50 plus the full cost of the study materials and exam fees will be deducted, and the remainder of the course fee refunded to the payee. Separate WSET exam cancellation/transfer rules apply.

Transfers of a confirmed enrolment to another course or student can be made up to 14 business days before the course start date on payment of a $50 admin fee, plus the cost of any additional study materials, exam fees, that may be applicable. Separate WSET exam cancellation/transfer rules apply.

Should you miss a class, there is no right to substitute course days.

In the event a course must be paused due to force majeure (i.e. COVID-19), This is Wine School reserves the right to postpone the remaining course sessions until restrictions are lifted. If the course must be cancelled by This is Wine School, the paid course fee for the remaining course sessions will be refunded, minus the value of the received study materials.

**Cancellations less than 14 days before the course start date (or after the course has started) forfeit any refund options. Transfers to a new course are possible for 50% of course tuition**

Course transfers cannot be carried forward more than 1 calendar year.

Privacy Policy.

This is Wine School collects students’ personal information with their express consent for the sole purposes of providing courses and certification in wine education.

This is Wine School is accountable for the personal information collected in the process of registering and educating students. Consent is obtained at the beginning of every course and as needed. Personal information about students, including course results, activities, health and behaviour, is routinely disclosed to and used by educators and administrators at the school to track academic progress, and identify and provide student support strategies. Accuracy, retention, safeguards and individual access are ensured, as required by law. This is Wine School will only share personal information with the WSET Global for the express purpose of registering students for exams administered by the Wine & Spirit Education Trust.

This is Wine School may take photos and videos of classes and events and use them to promote This is Wine School programmes through mediums such as our website and social media platforms. This media collateral may contain your image or likeness and by attending a class or event hosted by us, you agree to allow us to use and share these materials. This is Wine School also collects data analytics taken from our website for statistical purposes.

Diversity & Equality.

At This is Wine School, we value diversity and inclusion for many of the reasons we value coeducation: equality, social preparation, and variety of thought and discourse. We acknowledge and appreciate our differences in all aspects, including race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, and abilities and disabilities, and encourage expression of personal experiences and opinions so that we may better educate, innovate and inspire. We are committed to fostering diverse student and staff communities and to ensuring all students and clients of This is Wine School feel welcome, respected, and empowered to voice their perspective.

We aim to be fully equitable in our student onboarding process, hiring practices, and educational and service partnerships; as such, we seek to enrol, employ and partner with the best talent and those who complement our diverse community of learners. We recognize the barriers that exist within the historical wine trade and are committed to dismantling them through providing excellent and wide-reaching education. Courses at This is Wine School are open to the public. Everyone from the age of 19 is welcome in accordance with the legal drinking age in British Columbia, Canada.

As an equal opportunity and anti-discrimination business, we are committed to offering courses and making accommodations to all students who require them. We have a section on our registration form for students to notify us of their special educational considerations. We welcome students with IEPs (Individual Education Plans) and are happy to work with them in the classroom.

Our facility is an accessible facility with an elevator, wheelchair accessible classrooms, and restrooms. We have adaptable software for the hearing and visually impaired if required for slide interpretation. Additionally, our classroom facility is rated by the City of Vancouver as an accessible building.

Complaints Procedure.

Should you have an issue with a course you have taken, please submit all correspondence to: Email: (subject line: Complaint)

Note our best effort will be made to keep your complaint confidential and will be handled with true care and consideration. Should the student feel comfortable, issues can be brought to the attention of any staff member, and we will work as a team to secure a resolution prior to entering the formal complaint process. We are committed to resolving any issue and approaching the situation without bias or discrimination.

Formal Process:

If choosing to submit a formal complaint, the complainant is required to:

• bring their complaint, in writing, to This is Wine School’s attention via email to within seven business days of the issue arising.

• please provide the following information:

Once the complaint is received, This is Wine School will:

o Name, address & contact details
o Full description of the complaint
o SupportingInformation
o Description of any previous attempts to resolve the issue; and

o The student’s expected outcome

• Acknowledge any formal complaint received in writing within five business days

• Endeavour to resolve the issue within 2-weeks’ time of the original complaint

• Cooperate fully in any investigation process.

• If the response you received from This is Wine School is still not satisfactory, you may file a complaint with WSET’s quality assurance team about This is Wine School

• Should the WSET be involved, the complainant should understand that the timeline of final resolution will deviate from This is Wine School’s internal policy.


• Students will receive a written response on the outcome of their complaint.

• All information gathered during the formal complaint process will be kept strictly confidential. A register of the nature of the complaints along with their outcomes, will be maintained anonymously to continuously improve policies and practices.

Conflict of Interest.

As an APP, This is Wine School is required to identify to WSET and assist in managing or monitoring actual, potential and perceived conflicts of interest (‘Conflicts of Interest’) involving both APP staff and students. This policy complements WSET’s conflicts of interest policy and works to safeguard the integrity of WSET qualifications and promote confidence in WSET and This is Wine School processes and procedures.

This policy applies to all This is Wine School staff and students and to any individual acting on behalf of This is Wine School.

A Conflict of Interest exists where an individual has interests or loyalties that could adversely influence their judgement, objectivity or loyalty to WSET or This is Wine School when conducting activities associated with WSET qualifications.

Examples of Conflicts of Interest include:

  • The assessment of candidates by an individual who has a personal interest in the result of the assessment for any or all individuals concerned;

  • The moderation of assessment of candidates by an individual who has a personal interest in the result of the assessment for any or all individuals concerned;

  • The undertaking of a WSET qualification by any individual employed by an APP;

  • The invigilation of a WSET assessment by any individual involved in the delivery of

    training leading to the assessment;

  • The coaching of candidates by any individual involved in the assessment of candidate


  • The employment by an APP of individuals engaged in the delivery of taught programmes

    or in the role of Internal Assessor in another APP;

  • The investigation of a non-compliance incident by someone who is unable to act


    Some of these Conflicts of Interest are manageable and therefore acceptable. For example, if a family member of one of This is Wine School’s educators or APP staff takes a qualification and exam through This is Wine School or when an employee of This is Wine School or of the WSET, takes a WSET qualification through This is Wine School we can notify WSET in advance and work with them to put in place measures to maintain the integrity of the exam.

    Some Conflicts of Interest are not manageable and are not acceptable. For example, no mitigation efforts overcome the conflict created when an individual when a single individual serves as the educator and exam officer of an exam for a family member where an external invigilator is not available. Any staff member or student of This is Wine School who becomes aware of a Conflict of Interest must follow our Complaints Policy as soon as possible.

    This is Wine School’s administrator will inform the WSET of the possible conflict of interest and will work with WSET to put any protective or mitigating measures in place to manage the conflict on a case-by-case basis. If WSET and This is Wine School determine the conflict is not manageable, This is Wine School’s administrator will inform any impacted APP staff or students. Please note that the failure to declare a conflict of interest may have consequences for the student or This is Wine School because we are required to report conflicts to WSET.

Reasonable Adjustments.


WSET and This is Wine School seek to assess all students in a way that puts them at no disadvantage or advantage, over other students.

A reasonable adjustment is any action that helps to reduce the effect of a disability or difficulty that places the student at a substantial disadvantage in the assessment situation. Reasonable adjustments are approved by WSET and put in place before the assessment activity takes place; they constitute an arrangement to give the student access to the qualification. The use of a reasonable adjustment is not considered during the assessment of a student’s work.

Scope of this policy

Reasonable adjustments must not give an unfair advantage over students for whom reasonable adjustments are not being made or affect the reliability and validity of the assessment outcomes as detailed in the applicable Specification.
Reasonable adjustments may involve:

  • Changing standard assessment arrangements, for example, allowing students extra time to complete the assessment activity;

  • Adapting assessment materials, such as providing materials in large text format;

  • Providing access facilitators during the assessment, such as a sign language

    interpreter or reader;

  • Re-organizing the assessment room, such as removal of visual stimuli for an autistic student.

Applying for a reasonable adjustment

This is Wine School must identify at the time of a student’s enrollment any special needs which may require a reasonable adjustment at the time of the examination. This is Wine School must submit a Reasonable Adjustment Application Form to the WSET at least 3 weeks before the examination date in the case of WSET qualifications at Levels 1-3. Supporting evidence must be provided with the completed form.

The specific arrangements for the examination process itself, or for marking, will be agreed upon in each case between This is Wine School Examinations Officer and WSET and will vary according to individual circumstances. Please note that This is Wine School cannot offer reasonable adjustments to any students until this has been agreed with WSET. The request/information for reasonable adjustment must be submitted 5 weeks in advance of and exam. Supporting information will be passed to WSET and handled in accordance with their data privacy policy.

Students and their advisors should be aware that it is not appropriate to make requests for

reasonable adjustments where the student’s difficulty directly affects performance in the attributes that are the focus of the assessment. Note that the WSET cannot agree to reasonable adjustments where your particular difficulty directly affects performance necessary to complete the assessment outcomes

This is Wine School will keep records of all reasonable adjustment applications.

Special Considerations.


Special consideration is only for things that happen immediately before or during an exam that have a material impact on your, the student’s, ability to take the exam or on your performance. To be eligible for special consideration, you must have completed the whole course and would have been fully prepared if not for the temporary illness, injury, or other uncontrollable event. A special consideration may be for an individual (e.g. a student becomes ill the day of the exam) or a group of students (e.g. an exam is interrupted by a natural disaster).

You may be eligible for special consideration if:

  • Your performance on the exam is adversely affected by an event outside of your control. This may include temporary illness, temporary injury, bereavement or exam room conditions;

  • Reasonable adjustments which were agreed in advance of the exam proved inappropriate or inadequate;

  • The application of special consideration would not make a passing result and certificate misleading about the student’s ability to satisfy the qualification’s assessment criteria.

Applying for special consideration If you have taken an exam, or your exam is immediately approaching, and you feel that you have a temporary injury or illness, or other uncontrollable event that has interfered with your ability to complete your exam, please contact This is Wine School, via email at as soon as possible. This is Wine School will provide you with a Special Consideration Application Form, which must be completed and returned with supporting documentation within 5 business days after the effected exam. The information you submit will be shared with WSET and will be handled under WSET’s Privacy and Data Protection Policy.

If there has been serious disruption during an exam affecting a group of students, This is Wine School will submit a detailed report of the circumstances and candidates affected to WSET to request a special consideration.

This is Wine School will keep records of all applications for special consideration.

Malpractice & Maladministration.

Both This is Wine School and WSET have policies and procedures in place to protect WSET students and safeguard the integrity of WSET qualifications. This is Wine School ensures compliance with This is Wine School’s and WSET’s policies through this Malpractice and Maladministration Policy, which gives a framework for both us and you to identify, report and manage potential malpractice or maladministration.

Non-compliance with This is Wine School or WSET Policies and Procedures can fall into two distinct, but related, categories:

1. Maladministration, where the non-compliance is generally unintentional, or the result of mistakes, carelessness, inexperience, or poor processes; and

2. Malpractice where the non-compliance is intentional or the result of a negligent or reckless action without consideration of the consequences of the action.

Context is important and the line between maladministration or malpractice is not always clear: for example, maladministration incidents may become malpractice (e.g. if you fail to implement corrective measures, repeat the same or similar incident, or attempt to misrepresent or hide information during an investigation); or there may be mitigating factors that turn potential malpractice into maladministration. Though malpractice and maladministration are distinct concepts, they can shade into one another. Malpractice and maladministration are always case, context and fact specific. Both APPs and students can commit malpractice and maladministration.

There are many ways that malpractice or maladministration could occur, including new ways we have not seen yet. But some examples of malpractice or maladministration include:

For APPs:

  • Failure to adhere to WSET Policies and Procedures;

  • Failure to follow WSET requirements for course delivery or exam regulations; • Failure to

    follow WSET’s candidate registration and certification procedures; • Late student


  • Fraudulent claim for certificates/fraudulent use of certificates/reproduction or forgery of


  • Withholding critical information from WSET quality assurance; • Insecure storage of

    exam materials;

  • Revealing or sharing confidential exam materials with candidates ahead of an exam;6

    WSET APP Policy Statements Checklist and Templates – August 2022 v1.0 8 • Intentional attempts to manipulate exam results so that they do not reflect the candidate’s actual exam performance;

  • Failure to disclose a Conflict of Interest;

  • Issue of incorrect exam results/failure to issue results to students in a timely manner; •

    Failure to timely respond to WSET;

  • Unauthorised reading/amendment/copying/distribution of exam papers;

  • Failure to report changes in APP ownership/personnel/location/facilities;

  • Denying WSET access to information, documentation, workforce, facilities;

  • Failure to return exam papers within the specified timeframe or to follow delivery and tracking regulations;

  • Infringements of WSET copyright, trademarks, intellectual property rights and brand identity;

  • Use of unqualified and/or unregistered educators or internal assessors; • Breach of confidentiality

  • Misleading advertising/publicity;

  • Any action likely to lead to an adverse effect.

For students:

  • Cheating, or facilitating cheating, including the use of unauthorised devices or materials;

  • Disruptive behaviour in an exam;

  • Plagiarism of any nature by students;

  • Impersonation (including forgery of signatures);

  • Unauthorised reading/amendment/copying/distribution of exam papers;

  • Any action likely to lead to an adverse effect;

  • Breach of confidentiality.

In general, we also expect that both This is Wine School staff and our students should treat others and be treated professionally and respectfully at all times. We will treat inappropriate behaviour including verbal or physical abuse, persistent or unrealistic demands, or threats that cause stress to staff as misconduct and may report student misconduct to WSET as necessary.

Reporting and Investigation of Malpractice or Maladministration

As an APP, we aim to ensure compliance with WSET Policies and This is Wine School policies and will keep records of potential or actual malpractice or maladministration by you, our students, or our staff.

We are required to notify WSET immediately of any non-compliance issues that could be malpractice or maladministration, so that WSET can investigate the non-compliance under their own Malpractice and Maladministration Policy.

We ask that you also raise any concerns or non-compliance issues that may be malpractice or maladministration with This is Wine School as soon as possible by following the process outlined in our Complaints policy.

During WSET’s investigation, they may reach out to This is Wine School or to you directly to request further information or conduct an interview. Please respond to any requests promptly and honestly.

WSET will consider all relevant information on a case-by-case basis, balancing the facts with potential or actual effects, and against the seriousness of the sanctions against those effects. WSET records all malpractice and maladministration incidents for both APPs and students.

If WSET determines that a student has committed malpractice or maladministration, they may apply one or any of the following sanctions:


If you wish to appeal penalties or sanctions WSET has imposed due to Malpractice or Maladministration, please follow the procedures laid out in WSET’s Complaints Policy